Reasons to stop Suarez 8 matches

FA broadcast a detailed report of 115 pages on his official website, he stressed that the confessions Suarez was quite opposite to the direction uttered by Evra.
The report revealed that Suarez, Evra described the words "Negro" seven times during the match Manchester United and Liverpool at Anfield on October 15 / October.
FA and considered that the certificates presented by the Liverpool striker Uruguayan Luis Suarez to defend himself against accusations made against him under the guidance of racist statements to Patrice Evra were not "credible" and "contradictory."
According to the judges in disciplinary committee mandated by the FA to look into the case, Suarez, Evra asked why he kicked the latter replied in Spanish, "Tu Iris Burke Negro," which is meant "to you negro."
He then threatened him under the guidance Evra punch him in the event of repeated whole person by Suarez in Spanish again, "No Hablo the fact that Los Negros", ie, "I do not speak with the Negroes."
The FA suspended 8 games Suarez, imposed a fine of 60 thousand dollars after being accused of racist speech directed towards Evra.
He said that Suarez directed to the word "Negro" were not hostile but the FA did not believe him.
The Disciplinary Committee in its report also "Mr Evra a witness can be trusted to give his deposition testimony was made calmly and clearly Insurance. His testimony was always true in spite of that, Mr. Suarez has not remembered that the modern Tbadalh detail."She added, "The certificate Suarez was not trustworthy, especially that it was a sensitive issue. His testimony was inconsistent with a permanent video."
And continued, "The Suarez that the use of the word Negro was of endearment but we refused it."
It concluded, "the death of eight-game suspension came because of the use of obscene language Suarez on Evra skin color."
It is noted that Liverpool decided to appeal the decision.


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