Morocco to host the World Cup for clubs for the 2013 and 2014 seasons

Arab news sites reported major site in the forefront and Al Jazeera sports that Morocco has become the official host of the World Cup for clubs and in my copy years 2013 and 2014

According to the Minister of Youth and Sports, the Moroccan Federation Internationale de Football Association FIFA stressed that Morocco is the only country that gave his candidacy in the specified period and that after the withdrawal of South Africa, Iran and the United Arab Emirates.

Morocco, and after failing to embrace the World Cup teams in several attempts, recently managed to attain the honor of hosting many major events, thanks to his serious and major sports project, sponsored by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

And will see the Kingdom of Morocco embrace the qualifying African Nations qualifying for the Olympics to London in 2012 after the withdrawal of Egypt, which suffers from the situation is stable, that cradles two copies of the World Cup for clubs the years 2013 and 2014, while hosting the beginning of the year 2015 African Nations Cup.

Referring to the World Championship for the current year and next season will be held in Japan.


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